Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday Find: New Years Cards!

Good Sunday Readers!

As we are only days out from most of the major Winter holidays being in full swing, I got to thinking about greetings for the New Year. Many of us complain about the stress that the holidays bring, chock full of awkward family moments, stressing over what to buy a cousin you see once every five years, eating to much, work parties, house parties, and well....all the trimmings. Yet when we send out our holiday cards or greet a friend, there is a tendency to sugar coat our love of the holidays and tie it all up with just a "happy new year". Well, what if instead of agonizing over what to write in a ChristmaHannuKwanzika card, we could skip over all of that holiday fluff and just send some greetings for a great New Year full of health and happiness and prosperity. Thank you Amazon for I give you New Years Greeting Cards!

Almost Midnight by Cronin & Company (here)

 Hope by Cronin & Company (here)

 Bright New Year by Cronin & Company (here)

 Invincible Summer by Cronin & Company (here)
 Light Up The Sky by Cronin & Company (here)

 Cat New Year's Resolutions by London Times (here)

Year of the Dragon by sinopaperart (here)

Now these are just a few that caught my eye but there are many choices from all sorts of different sellers and publishers. What do you all think? Are New Year's cards a good idea, are you likely to send them? Let me know if there are some cool ones out there!


  1. What A Beautiful Blog! Keep writing!
    Peace, Love & Happy Holidays!
    - Rin @ Papered Thoughts

  2. Hi Rin! I'm so glad to hear you like my blog! Let me know if there is anything you would ever like me to post about/feature. I've added you to the blog roll--oh and look for a letter soon :)

