Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday Mail Bag!

Got a few pieces in the mail today (and they were accompanied with a paycheck, how bad can that be?)....3 postcards and an actual letter (yippppppieeeee!)

The Atlantic City card is from BarbieSoup on Walltype
The orange polka dots from Laura on Send Something
and from a Polish Postcrossing user named Patti, a scenic view of the museum near her town
The letter is from Limner over at Oh, Write Me! who I found while browsing for penpals, this is my first official letter back from someone; she was also kind enough to send me a lovely bag of tea! Don't worry dear, I'll be writing back ASAP! :)

Lots of outgoing mail today, mostly postcards but here is where they went......New York, New Jersey, Arkansas, California (x's 2), Minnesota, Texas, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Italy, Trinidad and Tobago, and Germany!

I'm getting some mail together to send out tomorrow. Some to Postcrossing, and letters to Limner and MissK! (I just have to stop and buy some more stamps after work!)

Heres to happy Tuesday mailboxes!


  1. That sounds like fun! Ive done a crafty swap before but never post cards or pen pal stuff. The postage must get expensive though.

  2. The pen pal and card swaps are very, very fun. You get all kinds of different cards and perspectives on life from all over the world. I do spend some money on postage but I budget for it. You can calculate how much something will cost at before you take it to the post office and at the moment postcards (domestic) are 0.29c and abroad cost 0.98 cents.

    I would say it's important to know how much you are willing to spend, how involved you would like to be (it's one of those get back what you put in hobbies), and saving a few dollars every now and again for your "mail fund". :)
