Monday, May 21, 2012

Cute and Fuzzy Mail!

Happy (Sleepy) Monday Readers! I did a little poking around before heading to the new post button and I discovered that we are almost at 10,000 page views! How awesome is that for a Monday afternoon?

Only a little bit of mail made it in today, two cards to be exact, but they are two warm & fuzzy, adorable cards! I mean really, anyway that can manage to combine mail and kittens, I'm okay with! Let's go!

This first little furrrrrball comes from Sabine in The Netherlands! Seems she's taken a peek at the page once or twice as she is hoping that my furr-babies like the card as well. My favorite part? Kitty cat Cicero loves to drink from and play in the sink water! Thank you Sabine!

 Second up, with a custom painted cat (yes, you read that correctly), comes a friend in Indianapolis! People actually spend hundreds of thousands of dollars each year to have a custom design painted on to their cat--having to  do "touch ups" every few weeks as kitty's fur grows out! This card shows Ms. Miriam McKee who, while observing the feathering pattern on her chocolate sauce decided the arrow formation would compliment the felines graceful form.

There you have it folks! Monday brings two very pretty kitties! Now, could any of you imagine getting a cat to sit long enough to paint them? I can barely get mine to sit still for breakfast hahahha :)

Only a bit of mail made it out today---I didn't realize that I didn't have all the stamps I needed until after I got home from work. Goodnews is the post office is close so Tuesday morning I will be all stocked up agian! Happy Mailing!

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